Untitled (401 Suydam Street) / 2022 / Dollhouse miniatures, taxidermy pigeon, wood, paint / 12x12.5x45 inches


Artist Statement

The culture shock of relocating to New York from Seoul to led me to reflect on notions of spaces of security, safe havens, in which one could feel one belongs. I’m thinking about how the brain continuously looks for the known in order to find and nurture stability: nostalgia, dependency, recurrence of memories… My current body of work touches upon these issues. What does it mean to reformulate my identity within a new context and how my identity is formed in the mid point between a future that is being planned and my past selves.



Past Solo Exhibitions: GOOD JOB WELL DONE, 2023

Past Group Exhibitions: please come flying, 2022 SYMPOIESIS, 2020