Financial and Artistic Transparency in Open Calls


Applying to open calls, including those free of charge, takes away from time in the studio, not to mention the time required to assess the value of applying in the first place. We believe that it would be helpful if open calls used a financial and artistic transparency model. Financial transparency means indicating how much funding and/or support the institution has received for the open call in question from grants and entry fees, as well as revealing where the money is being spent. We also believe that there should be artistic transparency in order to better understand artists’ expectations for the open call and track whether their goals are met. The latter would transpire through conversations and surveys over the course of a year. Going forward, we would like to see financial and artistic transparency statements accompany all open calls. These transparency models will ultimately strengthen the relationship between artists and institutions.

Prototype: 2022 A.I.R. CURRENTS Exhibition: Identity Politics