Pink Mist, 2017, pigment print, 17" x 76"


Artist Statement
Being deeply mystified by witnessing an Abhishek—an ancient ritual offering flowers and a ritual bathing of a Murti—either an enlivened statue of a realized being or a lingam— I began to ponder the implications in several ways. One, by inviting fellow seekers to contemplate the blossom as the stillness of the heart— thus extending my last exhibition that suggested that we all have the same experiences but trans verse them in our own way. This was the call to artists:

As the minutes fall away, can we accept that we are blossoms of the source? Can we offer ourselves at the feet of mystery, opening ourselves to the source‑opening, standing in gratitude? The strength of this project rests with the individual voices. I see this work as a chance to create a chorus of hearts in the same way that seekers sit in their individuality in satsang and chant together to create an architecture of sound.

Following this line of investigation thru many twists and turns, I arrived at the fundamental experience of the Other—transcendent, imminent, male, female, black, white, inner, outer— experiencing spaciousness or a background that holds all together. With blossom images and an arabesque line and fiery color, I tell my story.


Past Solo Exhibitions: Water Falling into Water, 2019
The Blossom As The Self, 2017
You Are My Dear Blossoms - Standing In Love... "Lotus Feet", 2014 Burning Wood Falling Through Endless Night, 2011 A Glimpse of Here, 1999
Ritual Of Consciousness, 1995

Past Group Exhibitions: SYMPOIESIS, 2020 Eleven x Seventeen, 2019
Who Cares?, 2017
Women On The Line, 2017
Unframed, 2015
A.I.R. ReFreshed, 2015
If These Walls..., 2014 Anomalistic Revolution, 2012 Vestige: Traces of Reality, 2011
Currents, 1998
11 At AIR, 1996
Works On Paper, 1995